lundi 31 août 2015

SPARQL-Query doesn't yield expected results

I have a Virtuoso Server and run a SPAQRL-Query against it, which doesn't yield the expected results. I'm not quiet sure, what the problem might be, so I hope some of you have an idea where to look.

This is my SPARQL-Endpoint

The query

select * where {?s ?p
   <;. }

yields one result:

When I use the result for ?p in the query like:

select * where {?s <; <;. }

I don't get any result.

For other objects, it works perfectly, like:

select * where {?s <; <;. }

I have no idea, why it works for one Uri but not for the other. Any help pointing me towards the answer is appreciated!

via Chebli Mohamed

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