lundi 31 août 2015

How do I push a view controller onto the nav stack from search results when presenting them modally?

I want to recreate the search UI shown in the iOS 7/8 calendar app. Presenting the search UI modally isn't a problem. I use UISearchController and modally present it just like the UICatalog sample code shows which gives me a nice drop down animation. The issue comes when trying to push a view controller from the results view controller. It isn't wrapped in a navigation controller so I can't push onto it. If I do wrap it in a navigation controller then I don't get the default drop down animation when I present the UISearchController. Any ideas?

EDIT: I got it to push by wrapping my results view controller in a nav controller. However the search bar is still present after pushing the new VC onto the stack.

via Chebli Mohamed

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