vendredi 8 mai 2015

SQL: Pulling info from a column and building new columns

I’m building a report where I am combining two different databases. As it is this query is functional.

select  t.[Test ID],
          [Business Group],
          [Regulation Source],
          [Risk Level],
          [Regulation Title],
          [Data Points],
          [Control Test Question(s)],
          [Compliance Test Questions],

from DefaultOperationalRisk..RCSATracker             T (nolock)
left join DefaultOperationalRisk..TB_FLODTestResults R (nolock)

on T.[Test ID]=R.[TestName]

where t.[Control Testing Status 3] not like 'test retired' 
or    t.[Control Testing Status 3] not like 'pending test development'
and r.MonthSubmitted > GETDATE()-90

The problem is that the columns from TB_FLODTestResults should look more like this:


Instead these columns come out looking like this:


This way means a lot of my information is duplicated. I need the results to be based on the Test ID column from the RCSATracker database.

The thread from this question game me a start (SQL: Move data in one column to different columns).

SELECT a.TestName, 
       b.ControlPassPercent AS 'April Control Results', 
       c.ControlPassPercent AS 'March Control Results', 
       d.ControlPassPercent AS 'February Control Results' 
        FROM   DefaultOperationalRisk..TB_FLODTestResults) a 
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT testname, 
                  FROM   DefaultOperationalRisk..TB_FLODTestResults
                  WHERE  MonthSubmitted = 'March 2015') b 
              ON b.TestName = a.TestName 
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT TestName, 
                  FROM   DefaultOperationalRisk..TB_FLODTestResults 
                  WHERE  MonthSubmitted = 'April 2015') c 
              ON c.TestName = a.TestName 
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT TestName, 
                  FROM   DefaultOperationalRisk..TB_FLODTestResults 
                  WHERE  MonthSubmitted = 'February 2015') d 
              ON d.TestName = a.TestName 

I would like the monthly results/columns to have a three month look back not including the current month. So basically a rolling query. Also I have not been able to fit the code I wrote from the forum thread into my query at the top.

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